Tri Hita Karana
Kep. Men. Hukum & HAM RI No.: AHU-3278.AH.01.04.Tahun 2010
Tri Hita Karana (THK) is a concept that describes three elements or layers that cause happiness. "Tri" means three, "hita" refers to being prosperous or happy, and "karana" refers to causes. Thus, THK implies that there are three sources of well-being and happiness in life both physically and mentally.
According to the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 of 2009 concerning tourism, tourism must be organized according to certain principles. One of the principles that is upheld is respect for religious norms and cultural values as the embodiment of the concept of life in a balanced relationship between humans and God Almighty, the relationship between humans and fellow human beings, and the relationship between humans and the environment.
The concept of Tri Hita Karana equilibrium has three conditions that influence each other. First, if the microcosm (individual) is in balance with the macrocosm (universe), a state of harmony is created. Second, if the microcosm is larger than the macrocosm, this reflects greed. And third, if the microcosm is smaller than the macrocosm, then the individual is resigned.
By understanding the THK concept and applying it in daily life, it is hoped that we can achieve balanced prosperity and happiness between relationships with God, fellow human beings, and the surrounding environment.

Vision & Mission
Tri Hita Karana Foundation
- To become a center for community studies and empowerment that is professional, reliable and ethical, responsive and adaptive to the national, regional and global environment;
- To become a center for research information, as well as the development of social sciences that are able to make a positive contribution to the development of Civil Society, Democracy, Policy Reform and Good Governance in regional and national development.
Its MISSION is to encourage governments, the private sector and communities to realize:
- Good quality of life, virtuous and religious according to their beliefs;
- Harmonious community life and mutual respect for cultural values;
- A harmonious, hygienic, healthy, sustainable and beautiful environment.

Action Plan
& Assessed Dimensions
Action plan
The stages of assessment and accreditation are as follows
- Initial screening aims to attract potential participants (Initial Screening).
- Basic training: provided in the form of briefings for prospective participants (agencies / hotels / schools / universities and others) who are willing to be accredited, preparing evidence to be submitted after receiving the assessor team.
- Distribution of a list of statements (Questionnaire) to be filled in by each participant (Self Assessment).
- Site inspection stage I and stage II (Site Inspection), data tabulation, and value determination.
- Grade announcement for each accredited hotel/institution.
- The awarding of the THK Awards was followed by the Melapa-melapi (Balinese Foods Festival) award and THK's Sympathetic PR.
Awards and Accreditation
The THK Awards program has five award categories: bronze, silver, gold, emerald and platinum.
The scores obtained for each category and their descriptions are as follows:
First Grade Value
* Scores are accumulated for the three elements of the THK concept: Palemahan, Pawongan and Parhyangan.
Second Grade Value
If a hotel/institution achieves a Gold award (Quality A) for 3 consecutive years, it is entitled to receive an Emerald Award, and since then it is considered a Green Hotel (Green Hotel) based on the THK concept.
Third Level Value
If the Emerald award can be maintained for three consecutive years, then the hotel/institution is eligible to receive the Platinum Award.